Gail M Lehde
Dear Nilsa, I am just learning of your passing. I am so sorry we never got to say goodbye. I so enjoyed working with you at Greenhaven Correctional Facility. Peace to you dear friend. Love in Christ. Gail Lehde.
Thomas smith
Nilsa I'm so glad I had the chance to meet with you ,and even tho it was only a handful of times we met.you made me laugh , especially the time we moved Auggie's storage out and you helped to drive his belongings and the funny faces you would make when he came out yelling because stuff was falling out of boxes and he lost it .now your with the angels and will be missed god now will take care of you love you Tommy xoxo
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Beyond Grief: Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Life’s Joys, and Illuminating Paths of Healing and
Celebration with Resilience and Compassion