Deacons Todd and Janet Morgan
Our heartfelt and sincerest condolences to the entire Earlington Family. She was truly a Proverbs 31 Queen who loved and served The Lord. May God bless the life and legacy of Mevelle Earlington. Rest in power, our Beloved Sister in Christ, until we meet again. Deacons Todd and Janet Morgan Columbia MD
Deacons Todd and Janet Morgan
Our heartfelt and sincerest condolences to the entire Earlington Family. She was truly a Proverbs 31 Queen who loved and served The Lord. May God bless the life and legacy of Mevelle Earlington. Rest in power, our Beloved Sister in Christ, until we meet again. Deacons Todd and Janet Morgan Columbia MD
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Beyond Grief: Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Life’s Joys, and Illuminating Paths of Healing and
Celebration with Resilience and Compassion