Desiree Williams-Adams
A True Prayer Warrior (Aka) Moms The ones we love are never gone from our hearts. Mom, you visit us in old stories. You meet us in our dreams. You show up in a song or maybe a familiar face. You speak to us in moments of decision. Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for showing us what true love looks like. Gone but never forgotten. Until we meet again. Well done!! You fought a good fight. Go get your crown. Love always, Desiree, Cedric, Xiomara, and Courtney.
Hermena L Gladden
Aunt Jessie you will be sorely missed, however we can have peace knowing that you are home with the Lord, Missing one of God's great prayer Warriors, love you Hermena and the Crew
Hermena L Gladden
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Beyond Grief: Nurturing Hearts, Embracing Life’s Joys, and Illuminating Paths of Healing and
Celebration with Resilience and Compassion